The revolution in window installation!
The CLAD-LIFT 350TH is designed to handle glass, windows, panels, doors or other elements up to 350 kg in weight with great efficiency. This vacuum lifting device with hydraulic telescopic beam enables the operator to rotate the work piece by 360 ° vertical and 180 ° horizontal.
The Clad-Lift 350TH ( „TH“ for „telehandlers“ ) is a special version that can be attached to telehandlers or forklifts. Six suction plates and the tried and tested two-circuit vacuum system ensure that the load is held securely. Thanks to the fork pockets, the CLAD-LIFT 350TH can be placed on all common telescopic cranes or forklifts. This window regulator transports and installs windows and glass elements up to a weight of 350 kg safely and quickly. Overcome obstacles in front of facades or buildings with the innovative vacuum lifting device and use the flexible hydraulic arm for safe and effective window installation.